toot by https://mastodon.social/@harshil
mastodon.social/@harshil/112273758345114562I'm losing my mind watching this. The people involved need to either be given a massive Netflix contract or institutionalised <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jky5ZXI0axc>
toot by https://fosstodon.org/@orhun
fosstodon.org/@orhun/112263799395387466Today I found a TUI frontend for curl! 🔥
🌀**cute**: TUI HTTP client with API/auth key management and request history/storage.
🌐 Supports importing Postman collections!
🦀 Written in Rust & built with [@ratatui_rs](https://fosstodon.org/@ratatui_rs)
⭐ GitHub: <https://github.com/PThorpe92/CuTE>
[#rustlang](https://fosstodon.org/tags/rustlang) [#ratatui](https://fosstodon.org/tags/ratatui) [#tui](https://fosstodon.org/tags/tui) [#curl](https://fosstodon.org/tags/curl) [#http](https://fosstodon.org/tags/http) [#request](https://fosstodon.org/tags/request) [#api](https://fosstodon.org/tags/api) [#auth](https://fosstodon.org/tags/auth)
toot by https://scicomm.xyz/@jrdmb
scicomm.xyz/@jrdmb/112254321338107084Trying out the new Gemini 1.5 Pro model <https://developers.googleblog.com/2024/04/gemini-15-pro-in-public-preview-with-new-features.html>
Can run it online in Google AI Studio, but very easy to use it on the command line on a linux server with python modules llm & llm-gemini by [@simon](https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon) after getting the free API key in AI Studio. Took me 5 minutes to set up.
toot by https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon
fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/112243536393108957Datasette Extract is a new Datasette plugin that uses GPT-4 (and the new GPT-4 Vision) to extract structured data from unstructured text and images and insert it into a SQLite database table. Here's a video demonstrating the plugin:
toot by https://grimgreenfo.rest/@gavi
grimgreenfo.rest/notes/9rqi42y93i9d00tfyall ever seen a shaved alpaca before?
toot by https://mastodon.me.uk/@robintw
mastodon.me.uk/@robintw/112184882933475294Ever wondered about UK place names? My new web app lets you search place names (starting with 'south', ending with 'burgh', containing 'sea' etc) and plot them on a map - and then share those maps with friends.
Have a look at <https://placenames.rtwilson.com/>, or try one of the examples, like this map of different suffixes: <https://placenames.rtwilson.com/#W3sidGV4dCI6ImJ1cmdoIiwiY29sb3IiOiIjZTMxYTFjIiwiY2hlY2tlZCI6dHJ1ZSwibWF0Y2hUeXBlIjoiZW5kc3dpdGgifSx7InRleHQiOiJoYW1wdG9uIiwiY29sb3IiOiIjMWY3OGI0IiwiY2hlY2tlZCI6dHJ1ZSwibWF0Y2hUeXBlIjoiZW5kc3dpdGgifSx7InRleHQiOiJiYWNoIiwiY29sb3IiOiIjMzNhMDJjIiwiY2hlY2tlZCI6dHJ1ZSwibWF0Y2hUeXBlIjoiZW5kc3dpdGgifV0>=
[#GIS](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/GIS) [#geospatial](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/geospatial) [#UK](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/UK) [#placenames](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/placenames) [#mapping](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/mapping) [#gischat](https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/gischat)
toot by https://infosec.exchange/@tqbf
infosec.exchange/@tqbf/112181373023668976I've been writing serverside SQLite applications for several years now and I still picked things up from this article, which is extremely good. <https://kerkour.com/sqlite-for-servers>
toot by https://fediscience.org/@ct_bergstrom
fediscience.org/@ct_bergstrom/112171374372710023Gorgeous dark-eyed junco at Santa Fe Ski Basin in New Mexico. So very different than the dark-eyed juncos here in Seattle. [#birdphotography](https://fediscience.org/tags/birdphotography) [#birdwatching](https://fediscience.org/tags/birdwatching)
toot by https://tapbots.social/@paul
OWC has an actually decent looking USB4 enclosure. I'll probably get one whenever the M3 mini comes out, you know cause no way in hell I’m paying $400 for 1TB of storage.
toot by https://fosstodon.org/@cjoly
fosstodon.org/@cjoly/112157808875528305[@asciinema](https://fosstodon.org/@asciinema) Awesome fix of the double-width characters!
To anyone using this with the [#Hugo](https://fosstodon.org/tags/Hugo) static site generator, I’ve updated my module to this new version: <https://github.com/cljoly/gohugo-asciinema/releases/tag/v3.7.1>
toot by https://fosstodon.org/@carlton
fosstodon.org/@carlton/112151555772718882[@simon](https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon) Copilot is funny. If you can convince it that it's about programming, it'll tell you all sorts of things...
toot by https://fosstodon.org/@codemonkeymike
fosstodon.org/@codemonkeymike/112141473068188754Another [#HelixEditor](https://fosstodon.org/tags/HelixEditor) change I made which is changing my life.
Pressing x will highlight whole lines. But if you accidentally hit x too many times, there is no way to go back up. So I made shift+x do exactly that.
X = ["extend_line_up", "extend_to_line_bounds"]
toot by https://mastodon.social/@shire_reckoning
mastodon.social/@shire_reckoning/112100238985785382Aragorn and Éomer meet, ‘though all the hosts of Mordor lay between us. Did I not say so at the Hornburg?’
‘So you spoke, but hope oft deceives. I knew not then that you were a man foresighted. Yet twice blessed is help unlooked for. Never was a meeting of friends more joyful.’
toot by https://mastodon.social/@gvwilson
mastodon.social/@gvwilson/112096519271167741The Python version of "Software Design by Example" will be out Real Soon: you can read the content at <https://third-bit.com/sdxpy/> or order a hard copy at <https://www.routledge.com/9781032725215> - please use the code "SMA22" to get 20% off. All royalties will go to support the Red Door Family Shelter in Toronto (<https://www.reddoorshelter.ca/>).
toot by https://hachyderm.io/@mononcqc
toot by https://mastodon.social/@bigzaphod
mastodon.social/@bigzaphod/112089977016810341My teenager has introduced me to the band Wind Rose and it's awesome. It's like they asked themselves, "What if there was a band from Azeroth or Middle Earth?" Start here: <https://music.apple.com/us/album/diggy-diggy-hole/1472250263?i=1472251230>
toot by https://mastodon.world/@orizuru
If you use poetry to manage your venv for each repo, you can also do: poetry shell
to use start the virtualenv, and then run nvim .
to start coding.
Provided that your dap is setup like this:
local dap = require("dap")
dap.configurations.python = {
type = "python",
request = "launch",
name = "Launch file",
program = "${file}",
pythonPath = "python",
[#nvim](https://mastodon.world/tags/nvim) [#neovim](https://mastodon.world/tags/neovim) [#python](https://mastodon.world/tags/python)
toot by https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/@rob
TIL: if I want to debug [#python](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/python) :python: in [#neovim](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/neovim) :nvim:
your imported packages need to be in the same python env that debugpy is.
Now in [#LazyVim](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/lazyvim) , [#mason](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/mason) installs debugpy in it's own venv and the debug adapter can't find the other packages
so: install debugpy in your venv and run
:lua require('dap-python').setup('./venv/bin/python')
or use vscode/pycharm or something if you have a life ;-)
toot by https://mastodon.social/@techhelpkb
mastodon.social/@techhelpkb/111931431572123900Here's the list of features you should disable on every installation of Windows 11.
[#microsoft](https://mastodon.social/tags/microsoft) [#windows11](https://mastodon.social/tags/windows11) [#features](https://mastodon.social/tags/features)
toot by https://mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm
mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm/111926960912960390Numbat (<https://numbat.dev/>) is a calculator thing that understands units. They recently added some date and time support, which I'm hoping will satisfy my need for easy to use date math. [#Rust](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/Rust) [#cli](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/cli)