Obscure Islands website
amanvir.com/obscure-islandsWith more interesting islands on HN https://amanvir.com/obscure-islands
toot by https://mastodon.energy/@floko
mastodon.energy/@floko/113526472251011585On Mastodon, a newly introduced feature allows you to link your blog articles to your Fediverse account. I recently added this feature to my Hugo Blog and wrote down the necessary steps: <https://kotthoff.dev/posts/2024/mastodon-tag/>
[#mastodon](https://mastodon.energy/tags/mastodon) [#hugo](https://mastodon.energy/tags/hugo) [#opensource](https://mastodon.energy/tags/opensource) [#blog](https://mastodon.energy/tags/blog) [#blogging](https://mastodon.energy/tags/blogging) [#journalism](https://mastodon.energy/tags/journalism)
HTML email designer
designer.sendune.comHTML for email is probably the hardest code to write. Even a teeny-tiny deviation from the rules will break the email in untold combination of os/desktop/mobile clients.
It's mid 2024. Almost 50 years since email was invented and 35 years since HTML was born. A 'basic-open-source-HTML-email-designer' must be a solved problem, right? We thought so too.
Sadly, that's not the case.
There are a few decent open source email designers but they carry dependencies that make them cumbersome to embed within your app. That's why we decided to open source our HTML Email Designer.
The SENDUNE email designer focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It is light-weight. It does pure HTML - no intermediate code wranglers like mjml. There is no lock-in of any kind. Save HTML output as a template and use with ANY email service provider.
Command-line DNS client for humans
## Features
Human-readable output with color-coded and tabular format
JSON output support for easy scripting and parsing
Multiple transport protocols:
DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
DNS over TLS (DoT)
DNS over QUIC (DoQ)
DNS over TCP
DNS over UDP
Support for ndots and search configurations from resolv.conf or command-line arguments
Multiple resolver support with customizable query strategies
IPv4 and IPv6 support
Web interface available at doggo.mrkaran.dev
Shell completions for zsh and fish
Reverse DNS lookups
Flexible query options including various DNS flags (AA, AD, CD, DO, etc.)
Debug mode for troubleshooting
Response time measurement
Cross-platform support (Linux, macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD)
toot by https://eigenmagic.net/@abstractcode
eigenmagic.net/@abstractcode/112606436792486177I’m not ignoring my email, I’m actively improving security by not responding to potential phishing communication.
Pipe your git diff output into dunk to make it prettier!
github.com/darrenburns/dunkPrettier git diffs in the terminal
toot by https://mastodon.social/@madopal
[@blabberlicious](https://toot.community/@blabberlicious) [@baldur](https://toot.cafe/@baldur) Corollary:
Experienced Writers: "Why would you use AI for writing? It's good at code generation tho."
Experienced Devs: "AI for code is garbage. I use it to summarize text, tho."
toot by https://fosstodon.org/@chrishannah
I just watched Perfect Days (2023). I haven't yet fully understood the
effect it's had on me. But I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Days>
toot by https://fediscience.org/@ct_bergstrom
fediscience.org/@ct_bergstrom/112302205065369262For once this bushtit held still long enough for me to squeeze off a couple of frames.
[#birding](https://fediscience.org/tags/birding) [#birdphotography](https://fediscience.org/tags/birdphotography)
toot by https://mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm
mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm/111926960912960390Numbat (<https://numbat.dev/>) is a calculator thing that understands units. They recently added some date and time support, which I'm hoping will satisfy my need for easy to use date math. [#Rust](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/Rust) [#cli](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/cli)
toot by https://toot.cafe/@chartier
toot.cafe/@chartier/111823155764336748Finally taking the time to set up Safari Profiles properly and bind certain websites like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to open in an ‘Undesirables' profile that I don't use for anything else. This feels like a better setup. [#Apple](https://toot.cafe/tags/Apple) [#Safari](https://toot.cafe/tags/Safari) [#privacy](https://toot.cafe/tags/privacy)
toot by https://masto.es/@Hok
masto.es/@Hok/111289918530015742Máquina de hacer aviones de papel, hecho con piezas de LEGO.
toot by https://mastodon.social/@gedeonm
mastodon.social/@gedeonm/111002570107235658Unfreezable! Oooooh, me likey. [#Zelda](https://mastodon.social/tags/Zelda)
toot by https://twit.social/@drifteaur
twit.social/@drifteaur/110849877136649226Applite - a new app installer / brew frontend for the Mac. Built by my 18yo son Milan [#prouddad](https://twit.social/tags/prouddad) [#mac](https://twit.social/tags/mac) [#swiftui](https://twit.social/tags/swiftui) <https://aerolite.dev/applite/index.html>
toot by https://social.treehouse.systems/@marcan
social.treehouse.systems/@marcan/110803450257024343"Why doesn't this happen with other manufacturers?"
Two reasons:
- Apple cares more. Seriously, some of their engineering is unheard of elsewhere in the industry. And they have a specific focus on security that is miles ahead of everyone else.
- Apple is vertically integrated. They control their platform throughout and make engineering decisions that intertwine parts as a consequence, because it makes sense when they can do that for various engineering reasons. For example, their LED matrix backlights are controlled by an in-SoC microcontroller, and on M2s and above the trackpad touch processing algorithms also run in-SoC. This allows them, among other things, to ship those firmwares per-OS version and not have to bother with keeping backwards compat on the interfaces, which lets them move faster and improve more easily. Practically no other manufacturer does this to that extent, usually because they outsource complete sub-modules which naturally results in simpler dividing lines that then means easier part swaps. E.g. I bet any other platform doing LED matrix backlights will have the on-screen TCON handle that processing instead.
toot by https://mas.to/@Jgbird
mas.to/@Jgbird/110690650806886983FINALLY. I’ve spent years trying to capture this.
toot by https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon
strip-tags 0.4 is now out, with a set of features to make it easier to turn large HTML pages into content suitable for feeding to a LLM
I wrote more about strip-tags here: <https://simonwillison.net/2023/May/18/cli-tools-for-llms/>
toot by https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon
fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon/109798415838480866Trying out <https://toot.readthedocs.io> - since I have some bots I need to move to Mastodon
toot by https://hachyderm.io/@derekprior
hachyderm.io/@derekprior/109790473003989772You can now add up to four social account links to your GitHub profile which render with a sprinkling of formatting support for our most popular platforms. Yes, the resulting links links will satisfy Mastodon verification requirements when rendered.
To get started, visit your profile and click the "Edit profile" button in the sidebar.
toot by https://mastodon.scot/@Kirsty
mastodon.scot/@Kirsty/109355373712015710Mind. Blown.