Tag lazyvim

2 bookmarks have this tag.



toot by https://mastodon.acc.sunet.se/@ashwinvis


I read the first two chapters of


Very well written, concise course / e-book by Dusty Phillips. Gives context when needed and even explains a bit of Vim basics which I did not know. I am currently experimenting it using the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable but the results are impressive so far. I might swap my handwritten configuration for what comes out of this course.

[#LazyVim](https://mastodon.acc.sunet.se/tags/LazyVim) [#neovim](https://mastodon.acc.sunet.se/tags/neovim)



toot by https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/@rob


TIL: if I want to debug [#python](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/python) :python: in [#neovim](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/neovim) :nvim:
your imported packages need to be in the same python env that debugpy is.

Now in [#LazyVim](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/lazyvim) , [#mason](https://gts.cupcakerob.nl/tags/mason) installs debugpy in it's own venv and the debug adapter can't find the other packages

so: install debugpy in your venv and run

:lua require('dap-python').setup('./venv/bin/python')

or use vscode/pycharm or something if you have a life ;-)