Tag invidious

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toot by https://mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm


🖥️ New post! Yesterday I imported all my YouTube subscriptions into Feedbin so that I can watch videos via RSS. To do this I needed to turn my 500+ subscriptions into an OPML file. In this post I detail how I did it using a combination of awk, curl, jaq, JavaScript, shell, scraper, and Python.


[#YouTube](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/YouTube) [#Invidious](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/Invidious) [#NewPipe](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/NewPipe) [#RSS](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/RSS) [#Python](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/Python)