Tag texteditor

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toot by https://mastodon.decentralised.social/@wezm


Discovered a neat new tool last week: <https://github.com/wr7/refold>

It's similar to fmt and fold except that it automatically handles prefixes. Vim/Neovim gq can do this out of the box but fails (for me at least) when multiple prefixes are present, such as a Markdown block-quote inside Rust comments. E.g.

// > Some quoted text  
// > to reflow.  

refold handles this.

[#Rust](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/Rust) [#RustLang](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/RustLang) [#TextProcessing](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/TextProcessing) [#TextManipulation](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/TextManipulation) [#TextEditor](https://mastodon.decentralised.social/tags/TextEditor)