Tag hugo
8 bookmarks have this tag.
8 bookmarks have this tag.
On Mastodon, a newly introduced feature allows you to link your blog articles to your Fediverse account. I recently added this feature to my Hugo Blog and wrote down the necessary steps: <https://kotthoff.dev/posts/2024/mastodon-tag/>
[#mastodon](https://mastodon.energy/tags/mastodon) [#hugo](https://mastodon.energy/tags/hugo) [#opensource](https://mastodon.energy/tags/opensource) [#blog](https://mastodon.energy/tags/blog) [#blogging](https://mastodon.energy/tags/blogging) [#journalism](https://mastodon.energy/tags/journalism)
I just finished a custom Hugo theme I’ve been working on. It’s called “Today I Learned,” and it’s perfect for both traditional blogging and building a knowledge base of shorter, informal notes for easy reference and sharing.
A cool feature: it graphs your content like Obsidian! It also supports side notes and highlights with admonitions.
Check it out at <https://michenriksen.com/til-example-site>
[#Hugo](https://chaos.social/tags/Hugo) [#Obsidian](https://chaos.social/tags/Obsidian) [#Blogging](https://chaos.social/tags/Blogging) [#Notes](https://chaos.social/tags/Notes) [#TIL](https://chaos.social/tags/TIL)
I wrote about using the Plotly Graphing Library in Hugo. I'm still finding my away around [@gohugoio](https://fosstodon.org/@gohugoio) and would love to hear any feedback or suggestions :)
[#hugo](https://union.place/tags/hugo) [#plotly](https://union.place/tags/plotly) [#foss](https://union.place/tags/foss) [#data](https://union.place/tags/data)
Here's a small script "find-postings-without-comment-id.py" which checks all my [#Hugo](https://mastodon.social/tags/Hugo) [#goHugo](https://mastodon.social/tags/goHugo) blog postings if I forgot to add the comments id.
Plus some other tools.
[#Blogging](https://mastodon.social/tags/Blogging) [#Blog](https://mastodon.social/tags/Blog)
Thinking of adding search to my static site... This seems to be a good option! <https://pagefind.app/>
Might give this a try when I have the time. Looks easy enough.
[#Hugo](https://fosstodon.org/tags/Hugo) [#staticsitegenerator](https://fosstodon.org/tags/staticsitegenerator) [#Pagefind](https://fosstodon.org/tags/Pagefind) [#staticsite](https://fosstodon.org/tags/staticsite)
Mein Blog hat erstmals seit Januar 2017 wieder eine eigene Suchfunktion!
Damals habe ich von Wordpress zu Hugo umgestellt - also zu einem Static Site Generator. Die Suchfunktion war damals auch weg. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich mir mit einer integrierten DuckDuckGo Suche beholfen. Besonders schön war das allerdings nie.
Vor zwei Wochen bin ich aber auf "Pagefind" gestoßen - eine Javascript-basierte Suchmachine. Das funktioniert wunderbar und sehr schnell. :)
Inspired by [@niclake](https://mastodon.social/@niclake) and [@robb](https://social.lol/@robb) who respectively use Jekyll and Nginx, I wrote a similar blog post for forbidding AI bot scraping, but using Hugo and Caddy
[#blogging](https://fosstodon.org/tags/blogging) [#tutorial](https://fosstodon.org/tags/tutorial) [#hugo](https://fosstodon.org/tags/hugo) [#caddy](https://fosstodon.org/tags/caddy) [#bots](https://fosstodon.org/tags/bots)
[@asciinema](https://fosstodon.org/@asciinema) Awesome fix of the double-width characters!
To anyone using this with the [#Hugo](https://fosstodon.org/tags/Hugo) static site generator, I’ve updated my module to this new version: <https://github.com/cljoly/gohugo-asciinema/releases/tag/v3.7.1>