4 bookmarks for 2024-08-09




A free web app to take the pain out of transcribing recorded interviews.


File Manager for macOS. Native. Extensible. Fast. :rocket:


- Fully Native: Marta is a native macOS application written entirely in Swift. It offers a native experience and is blazingly fast.
- Keyboard Support: Click or press. Marta will make you feel comfortable whenever you prefer to use a keyboard or a mouse.
- Your Privacy Matters: Marta doesn't collect or sell your data. There's no hidden functionality or backdoors. And it will never be.


How To: Highlight Text Fragments When Linking


A highlighted result
In recent months, I’ve begun to notice that results from web searches often highlight specific text on the page to which they’re linking. The web page is also scrolled to the relevant content. It’s quite helpful!

A quick investigation showed this is accomplished by appending a bit of code, #:~:text= to the URL for a link. These are called Text Fragments, and they’ve been supported by Chrome since back in 2020. It took a couple more years for support to come to Safari, but at this point, the element is well-supported enough to be worth using


toot by https://mastodon.social/@RogueAmoeba


And now for something completely different: Check out this nifty how-to for highlighting text on a page when you link to it.
