3 bookmarks for 2023-11-12


toot by https://fedi.simonwillison.net/@simon


A related concept I've been thinking about a lot recently is "data literacy" - understanding that useful data comes in the form of a collection of similarly shaped observations, for example a clean table of rows and columns

People with strong data literacy are more likely to understand why a PDF file of scanned paper forms split over multiple pages isn't a great way to distribute data!


toot by https://mas.to/@karges


My attempt at [@RecDiffs](https://mastodon.social/@RecDiffs) BFF

Best: 97: Invisible Work. Genuinely enlightening and a good example of how their two brains work together to say true things.

First: 12: Hobbit Tendencies. A good example of what makes John, John. And a label that has stuck with me for years.

Favorite: 16: Ancient Bird. Truly wondrous is the dream journal of Merlin Mann. _Permiso_.


toot by https://keyboards.social/@instantiatethis


Okay gotta BFF [@RecDiffs](https://mastodon.social/@RecDiffs)
Best: I think the people agree 102: Preparing the Way is top tier

First: I really think you should start at the beginning, but if I had to pick not chronological it would be 55: Dog-Shaped Dog

Favorite: Very difficult, I've listened to every episode (including the one from yesterday) at least twice but going with 113: Ambient Pleasure Generator for start of Secret Weird Things TM