2 bookmarks for 2023-04-23


toot by https://macaw.social/@adamstein


[@lethain](https://mastodon.social/@lethain) Schedule 1:1s with everyone in your org. If that's not practical, have office hours where people can sign up for a 1:1. And publish your 90-day plan.

Every time I get a new manager or leader I freak out a little about how they're going to change things. And you come with a bit of celebrity status.

The plan makes it clear what's going to happen in the next 3 months and 1:1s give people a chance to know you as a person not the famous author.


toot by https://cosocial.ca/@timbray


[@atomicpoet](https://mastodon.social/@atomicpoet) [@phanpy](https://hachyderm.io/@phanpy)

Wow, my initial impression is excellent! Start at: phanpy.social

Includes everything I want, excludes lots of junk that I don’t. Easy on the eyes. I’m sure there will be flies in the ointment eventually, but seriously considering adopting this as my everyday web client.